Category: School Values

School Values: Manawanuitanga Wks 4-6

Manawanuitanga at Ōwairaka School is a learning-focused value.

Important learning behaviours form our three statements:

  • Persistence: Never give up and learn from our mistakes. Keep trying!
  • Resilience: Growth comes from being positive and bouncing back from difficult things.
  • Love Learning: Be a student for your whole life and learn something new every day.


Our particular goals for these next weeks are:

Listen Carefully,

Follow Instructions,

Focus on your own Learning, and

Try your Best!

These things will help students to get the most out of our precious class time.

Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week

Kia ora

During the last two weeks of term (11 – 22 September), Kauri classes will be venturing out into the neighbourhood to do a community clean up in support of Keep New Zealand Beautiful week.

Are you able to help?

The Kauri Team teachers would love you to come along and contribute to this great cause, so please remember to return those notices to your child’s teacher/teachers.

Your help is always greatly appreciated.


School Values Focus Weeks 8 – 10

Kia ora bloggers

Matariki, which marks the beginning of the new year in the Māori lunar calendar, is fast approaching. It is a great time to reflect on our environment and to think about ways in which we can take care of it and all living things. So, for the next three weeks, our school values focus is kaitiakitanga.

What ways might you and your whānau be celebrating Matariki this year?


School Values, Weeks 1 and 2, Term 2

Kia ora bloggers

To start off the first few weeks of the new term, our school wide values focus is manaakitanga, with a real emphasis on kindness (one of our school rules).

Kindness comes in many forms. So, thinking about and using a friendly tone when speaking, to allowing others to join in your games will see you are well on your way to being a kindness superhero.

What other ways can you show manaakitanga in the playground?

Blog you later

School Values Focus for Weeks 9 and 10

Kia ora bloggers

For the last two weeks of this term, our school values focus is Kaitiakitanga.

Making sure that rubbish goes in its correct place, caring for living things, and making a greater effort to reduce, reuse and recycle, all helps in being  a great guardian of the environment.

What are you going to do differently this week to show kaitiakitanga?


Power of Yet in The Hive

Kia ora,

The Hive has been digging deeper into what our school value of Manawanuitanga means. We already know that it means being persistent, resilient and loving learning.

We have decided that like learning any new skill we need to grow our manawanuitanga values. This is where the ‘power of yet’ comes in very handy. This positive mindset helps us not to give up when new learning is a challenge.

Here are some ideas from The Hive about what the “power of yet’ means to us.